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Fall 2004 Marathon Season: Rebel Runner Race Reports

This page contains personal accounts of marathons completed by Rebel Runners members in the latter part of 2004.

With a multitude of events to choose from (local, national and international), we often go our own ways, even while training together. For example, the Fall 2004 marathon season saw 20 or so Rebels take part in 7 different marathons! Enjoy reading about the races.

Rebmaster qualifies for Boston at Chicago
Rebmaster qualifies in Chicago.
Crosstraining is highly recommended!

Philadelphia, Richmond, Chicago, Marine Corps, New York,...

Philly Marathon - Slug Goddess Version - 11/21/04

It was great to see a few familiar faces along the route, but I have to admit that I didn't notice any Rebel Runners until Mile 20-21 where I saw Dan W. (actually, I noticed his bright fluorescent day-glo orange jacket long before I realized that it was a person and not an oversized traffic cone I was seeing...). I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I may have to abdicate my throne as Queen of the Slug Goddesses.

I stayed with my training partner, Rhea, at a steady 10 min. / mile pace until Mile 20, at which time I was just spent. Ten minutes per mile may not sound fast to all you speedsters, but for me (Slug Goddess with body fat) it's simply unheard of. Somehow I managed to pass by the coffee shop in Manyunk withOUT stopping for a hot Chai Tea Latte, but it wasn't easy as I was suffering from the same mental challenge that Rich had faced. I don't remember exactly where the Hashers had their beer stop, but I did slow down long enough to down a cold one. On-on!

Around Mile 22 I dug my radio out of my pack and tuned in WMGK classic rock for motivation; wouldn't you know, the first song played was Jackson Brown's "Running on Empty." At Mile 23 I caught up with two folks from my old running group in Rochester; they are both normally 6:30 min / mile guys, they were both injured, and it felt great to leave them in the dirt for a rare change! I agree with Sam, the hardest mile was from 25 to the finish. I finished in 4:27 and change, which is 20 minutes faster than my Baltimore finish time and nine minutes faster than my previous PR (which was eight years and 15 pounds ago!).

Rhea finished this only her second marathon in 4:19, and our third training partner, Jemma, finished her very first marathon with a Boston qualifying time of 3:36 and change. (Jemma will be coming out to the Thursday night runs at Delcastle as soon as she recovers from this past weekend.)

So anyway, congratulations to you all who finished this 26.2 mile Tour de Philly (& Manyunk)! I hope to actually get my butt to Delcastle to run one of these weeks!
Karen "Slug Goddess"

Philly Marathon - Sam's Version - 11/21/04

Hallo rebel runners, after a day of agony mixed with joy am ready to give my report as it is the tradition around here. There is not so much to report on since most of you were there but let me tell you the part that you all missed!

Ok for starters, I never got late for my race! Actually I was at the starting point at 7 am. I started with the 7min milers and things looked great, I was churning off miles at a 7:50 pace, which I thought, was great. (Until later!). at mile 8 I saw Dr. Jack waiting there and he handed me a Gatorade bottle which lifted my spirits higher at mile ten for those who have seen my results, I was at 1hrs 18mins 12sec, things looked and felt great. At around mile 18 I heard familiar voices calling out my name only to looked and see a whole rebel camp! Was elated and felt new set of rockets fire in my legs.

At mile 20 my time was 2:39:37 then it happened! For no explained reasons, my ever-faithful legs developed a mind of their own and despite my instructions there seemed to be a commotion! Everything that can go wrong with the leg muscles went wrong all at once! It seemed like I had exchanged my super light Nike shoes for some army issued steel toes. No amount of effort yielded any results. At mile 22 I was in a struggle, a real mental – physical war! For those who saw me, I don’t know whether you noticed my lack of coordination, anyway I had resolved not to walk but at around mile 23 I had to walk- run for 17 mins. Then from mile 25 I decided not walk again, I was pacing myself with a certain guy then all of a sudden he sank to his knees, he fainted!

If you ask me what was the longest mile I have ever run, that would be from 25 to finish! I run and run but I could not see the finish line I almost stopped to walk when all of a sudden I saw the finish line and people cheering! I sprinted like never b4.

I was happy to have finished, I received my medal and hobbled to the tent where my legs were massaged then I dragged myself to the car and drove home a tired but a happy rebel. thank you all for your support. One thing I know is the 26.2 miles is no joke; I have renewed respect for anyone who has attempted it. Ray Chris Just so you know, my training program (no program at all) works for the first 20 miles! For now I hate my running shoes and anything that involves running – until Thursday! See you all on Thursday.

Philly Marathon - TonyBBQ's Version - 11/21/04

The start of the race had all the anticipated participant congestion, but with the help of Rich pulling me along and keeping me focused, I was only 3 minutes off a 3:15:00 qualifying pace. Around mile 8 (corner of Walnut St. & 34th St.) Jack and Kelly jumped in to the race offering encouragement and Gatorade. By mile 9 Rich had fallen back (Kelly stayed with him). Jack stayed with me for a few more miles and then eventually rejoined the spectator crowd.

After cresting the largest hill on the course (in Fairmont Park) I was still only 3 minutes off pace. But by the time I had made it to the half I lost another 2 minutes. The large spectator crowd at the half soon thinned out as I made my way down Kelly drive.

Around mile 17 fatigue was starting to take its tool. I was still running in good form but I could feel myself fading. Then at mile 18 I was greeted by the loudest, rowdiest, most enthusiastic group, the Rebel Runners, and this inspired me to keep pushing.

As I started down Main St., Manayunk I caught up with Sammy. We exchanged a few word of encouragement as I moved ahead. I rounded mile 20 10 minutes off pace and feeling like my fastest miles where behind me.

At mile 22 I was feeling a little sluggish, but I was once again greeted by the Rebel Runners, and they would have none of it. They where even more charged up on my second pass. Offering me Espresso Love 2x caffeine GU, water, and Gatorade. I opted to pass on the Gatorade and the water. I even passed up the Espresso, GU, but I could still feel the Love.

By mile 24 my pace had slowed to 10:00 +/- mile pace. My legs where spent. Fortunately I didn't have far to go. I refused to walk. I had not walked since I crossed the start line (not even at the water stations) and I was determined to run this one all the way in. I keep thinking about everyone who helped to get me this far and I thought about the stay at home moms and the kids in my neighborhood who don't know my name. They refer to me as the "jogger". Well, I have a message for the people in the neighborhood...I aint no frigin jogger...I'm a RUNNER!

I finished in 3:40:21 without walking a step. It felt good knowing that I left everything that I had out on the race course. It also feels good to know that I PR by over 50 minutes.
Thanks to everyone for all the support.
Happy Running

2004 Caesar Rodney Half Marathon
Paris-bound Rebels at 2004 Caesar Rodney Half Marathon, Wilmington

Richmond Marathon - 11/13/04

Finally, the General's and her faithful Lieutenant's marathon story...
To give you an idea of the conditions for the Richmond Marathon, I quote a couple of lines from the famous rocker Bob Seger. "Against the wind, we were running against the wind." The weather people had predicted 20 mph winds with gusts up to 30 mph the morning of the marathon. Unfortunately for Lori and me, they were not wrong this time. Being space efficient people, Lori and I were not discouraged. Even the biting cold wind chills (in the 20s) at the start did not dampen our spirits. But, when she went to line up for the port-o-potties with 10 min before gun time, I was agitated! (I know you cannot believe this of me!). As they announced 2 minutes to the start, she was finished and we ran to our starting corral. (I reality, I did 26.3 miles that day!).

Overall, the course was pretty, but hilly. We had our own special fan club- Kevin, Sarah, Johnnie Cocoa, my friend Maria and her family, and special guest Richmond S. It was easy to spot them with their Delaware hats, "the finger", and Rich's surprise, a huge Rebel Runners banner! They were at miles 7, 12, 20, and at the finish. Each time, I was able to get over and high-five my children, that was such a lift, in an otherwise gruesome battle against the conditions. By mile 16, I was falling of pace and looking forward to the first to the two junk food stops to lift me. When I got there, my heart stopped. They were giving out fig newtons! Who considers fig newtons junk food! With my heart broken and my quads screaming, I pushed on, dejected. The "friendliest marathon" was feeling more like the "most decieving" marathon.

At mile 20, I sent my stronger officer on to lead the troops to Boston. I held up my pack, who dubbed me their "leader"(it must be a pheromone thing). We approached mile 22, Richmond's last chance to redeem itself with true junk food. To my surprise, they were giving out gummy bears- yes, that will do. Just as I put two in my mouth, a ray of golden sun shined down on me. A blessing from above (or more like Colorado), a beer stop! "Oh, yes, the friendliest marathon is the Richmond Marathon," I proclaimed. In true Rebel Runner spirit, I consumed my beverage, making the two gummy bears in my mouth very happy, and continued my quest for the finish. I pressed on to finish in a personal best of 3:51:38, two minutes better than my time at the very flat Chicago marathon. What an accomplishment under rough conditions! I am so proud of Lori, who finished in 3:45:38.

Lori and I, now wearing the Delaware hats, danced our way down the street to the food. We stopped in front of the band playing in the finish area to dance to a song they were playing. I could not recognize the song (it was definitely not a heavy metal), but suddenly, I heard the singer sing about the "two girls with wicked cat-in-the-hat hats dancing". Aaaah, what a great way to end our seventh marathon! Well, to be honest, the very happening party at Maria's house was the best way to end a great 16 weeks!
Happy Running! See you all Thursday,
the General

New York City Marathon - 11/7/04

Thanks so much for everyone's congratulations!! In keeping with the new "marathon update" tradition, I will give you my highlights.

Starting with the "good" highlights: the NYC Marathon is awesome!!! The crowds were unbelievable - I think at least 1 million of the 2 million spectators called out my name. And then of course there were my own personal fans - It was absolutely fabulous to see Lori and Erin at two places with the Delaware hats (thanks for making the trip up!!) and my sisters/family was at 4 points along the course which kept me motivated looking for them. It was exciting running through the different neighborhoods (I passed the block were I lived when I was 9). With the help of a Celebrex at the start of the race (thanks Jack!) my legs/knees felt fine during the entire race.

Now on to the "not so good" highlights: It was HOT, HOT, HOT!! Reached a high of 72 degrees and 3/4 of the course was in the sun. By mile 13 I started having stomach problems from trying to drink at every station and by mile 17 I couldn't take anything more in my stomach. I ended up walking most of the last 4 miles (no one told me the last 5 miles are uphill!!). I made it to the finish line, collected my medal and blanket and then lost it - thanks to Dan's advice from last week, my medal remained unblemished though (thanks Dan!).

Overall, NY is a fabulous race and I'm so glad I did it. I'm not thrilled with my time but as my sister pointed out, I beat Deena to the finish line!!

Cape Cod Marathon - 10/31/04

Rich and Kelly have appointed me the official scribe of the 2004 Cape Cod Marathon so here is our story:
The journey began with Kelly throwing away her gum in the full creamer at the airport coffee shop. Like a true "rebel", she ran away laughing until Rich yellled at her and made us return to right our wrong.....It was a good start.

We stayed in a beautiful Bed and Breakfast that overlooked Buzzard's Bay. The Inn was at mile 2 of the Marathon so we were able to shed some clothes without forfeit. We spent Saturday expo-ing and driving the course. We were a bit disheartened when the car kept downshifting to make it up the hills. I spent the rest of the day whipping Kelly in backgammon.

The start of the race was cool and overcast. Rich took off immediatley and Kelly and I settled into a nice 8:25 pace. The first half of the course was gentle and we had no problems. At mile 16 I suddenly started to cramp and had to stretch. Kelly went ahead and soon passed Rich at mile 22 who had suffered the same fate as I. We all finished and headed directly to the Irish Bar in the square where we learned that Kelly had qualified for Boston!

I wasn't feeling well and in fact hadn't urinated even after a bottle of water and three beers. I self diagnosed dehydration but after 3 more beers I peed and felt much better.

We met a wonderful couple in our B&B who were also Marathoners (2:52!) and also enjoyed drinking so we bonded. We decided to stay an extra day and on Monday took the ferry to Martha's Vineyard....where we found a bar.

It was a wonderful experience. I probably wouldn't run this race again. The hills were "wicked hod" and I was not prepared. I am satisfied with my time and it was a great vacation.

Marine Corps Marathon - 10/31/04

Wow, word travels fast! Certainly a lot faster than I ran yesterday. Thanks for the congrats notes, and I want to extend the same to the Cape Codders as well as my fellow MCMers.

Yes, I struggled by about mile 11 when I could feel myself fading. The heat and the significant crowd of runners nailed me. I was sweating heavily by mile 1 and didn't handle running behind slower people in a tight crowd very well. Interestingly, I took plenty of water stops and never experienced any cramping or significant leg problems throughout. I want to especially thank Donald for being there throughout for me even though he probably could have run the course twice and finished with the same time. In fact, I told him various times to go ahead without me, but he didn't. He probably didn't realize that his encouragement was annoying the hell out of me (joke).

Although noticeably hot, the course was great with lots of support. For the first time I had lots of fans at the race. Maybe it had something to do with the "DAN" that I had printed on my singlet? Unfortunately I suffered apparent dehydration and anergia for a long time after I finshed, and I appreciate Cathy (Sheer Bliss) and Dr. Procrastowitz's help in recovery. Hey, at least the medal was unblemished. Since I had no leg problems, I'd like to try to do better in another one. New York might be too soon, though (joke). Good luck, Barbara! Dan P.S. The polls are open from 0700 - 2000 tomorrow! I'll be at Lincoln Towers polling place, the high rise behind Trolley Square, all day and night if I haven't bored you enough already.

Chicago Marathon - 10/10/04

My weekend trip to Chicago for the marathon on 10/10 was fun and wildly successful. Everything went according to plan and we had spectacular weather for the race. All 4 members of our "Joints in Motion" team achieved personal records. My head is still in the clouds since I qualified for the Boston Marathon. I'm high as a kite, since it I set the bar pretty high for myself and needed to take a huge 10 minutes off what I did in Paris.

My chip time was 3:19:46, good enough for top 12% in my age group. Check out my sightseeing and race photos, and commentary at Marathon Man. Warning: there's background music on most of the pages. Next April, you can watch for me on TV, when I'll almost surely be in Boston!
Take care and stay healthy,
Webmaster Ray

Adirondack Marathon - 10/03/04

First of all, I want to thank all of you for your overwhelming support, both in wishing me luck beforeand congratulating me afterward. You really are avery caring group of people. Sorry that it has takenme almost a week to compose this little de-briefing.

For those of you who browsed through the web site of the race, you already have seen how scenic the course is. They tout the race as the most beautiful 26.2 miles you will ever run, and I can honestly say that I don't think it's an exaggeration. The foliage wasn't quite to the point where I had hoped it would be because of the warmer summer they've had, but I have no complaints about that.

You are able to see the lake for about two-thirds of the course, as well as two rivers (one that flows in, the other that flowsout). Even when you're not immediately near water, you're surrounded by a combination of evergreens and maples in air that people were meant to breath. The weather was truly ideal. I believe that it remained in the upper 50's to low 60's for most of the race. There were significant hills. They really were not that bad until I got past mile 20. After that point, I really had no desire to climb another hill. There were very few participants. Less that 200 for the marathon. They bus people to the half an hour afterthe start of the marathon, so unless you're flying, you really won't catch many of the half-marathoners.

For as small of a race as it was, it was exceptionally well organized, with water stops every two miles until mile 20, when they appeared every mile. The trophies that were available for the first three men and women were these truly unique hand-carved wooden bears.

I can't say whether I will ever attempt to run another marathon. I cramped up something awful by the and of the race, but I accomplished my goal of finishing the race without walking and managed to knock a respectable chunk of time off of my Paris time.

Whether you want to run a hilly course or not, I would really encourage you to think about at least doing the half next year. It's about an 8 hour drive from Wilmington to Schroon Lake (for those of you who observe the posted speed limits), which I realize is not a small commitment. Keep it in mind though. And for those of you with children, this was the kind of place even I would feel safe letting children over eight run free during the race.

We took some photos of the trip (many more of Montreal than of Schroon Lake). I also have a stack of tourist brochures on the Adirondack region. If anyone is interested, let me know and I'll bring them to the next Thursday run at DelCastle. (Yes, I actually will be there).

Thanks again for all of your support.

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