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Wedding in Park:  Screech & Sit Down

Wedding ceremony was held at Delcastle after our regular Thursday evening run.

Witnessed by over 60 people and several companion canines, Tricia and Rich took their vows with Tricia's daughter by her side, Rich's brothers as best men, and several Rebel females wearing pink as bridesmaids.

Screech and Sit Down Wedding
Wedding Ceremony
Congratulations to our Rebel couple!

Beautiful Day for a Run and a Wedding

Rebel Runners in park

Rebel Runners in park

Rebel Runners in park

Rebel Runners in park

Rebel Runners in park

Rebel Runners in park

Rebel Runners in park

Wedding Initation from Screech:

Who would have thought on that fateful day
When Tricia was asked to run by Doctor Jim Bray

Sitdown and Screech actually met at McGlynn's
They knew right away their souls were like twins
After the Chicago Marathon he took a knee
And asked her forever his to be

We would like you to join us for a nice run
at Delcastle Park and when we are done
We'll join at the finish to say our vows
Then to Tony and Barbara's to grill a few cows

Let us know if you'll come, we will count heads
So we can have plenty of beer, whites and reds
We'll start about 7 on June Twenty Eight
Don't run too slow or you'll be late

Email from Megaphone:
Since Sit Down and Screech took all this time to write their wedding poem, I really think we all should come to watch them break the tape, I mean tie the knot. Remember, this is the culmination of Tricia's dream as a little girl of getting married at the fitness area of a county park to a knight in shining Asics. By a clergyman named Tuffy.

A few unique alterations :
There is a mandatory dress code - Men wear ties/bowties over their singlets and women wear short dresses that must match their Sauconys.

A headband will be tossed instead of the traditional gartor and mulch from the fitness area will replace the tossing of the bouquet.

They are registered at National Running Center.
The maid of honor is Deena Kastor and the best man is some man named Meb.

Finally, inform the Szymanskis now of your attendance at the nuptials as the registration fee increases after June 1.

Run and Marriage   from "Coach" Dave:
When former PCVRC club President Vince M. had came up with the idea of forming a half-marathon training group at Delcastle Recreation Center, he could not have imagined where it would lead.

The group became a continuing tradition that has met almost continuously every Thursday for years now, morphing into the Rebel Runners- which is partially PCVRC members and partially not- and spawning numerous personal relationships and, possibly, a half-dozen marriages.

Now the process has come full circle. Club member Rich S. met Tricia through these group runs at Delcastle. The relationship deepened and they decided to get married, not just anywhere, but where their relationship began- at Delcastle Recreation Center after a group run of a couple laps on a hot sweltering evening. After finishing the ceremonial laps, Tricia changed into a white dress, while Rich put on a black bow tie and white jacket with 26.2 emblazoned on it right over his running apparel.

Altering the lyrics to "You'll Never Walk Alone" seems appropriate here:

"Run on through the wind,
Run on through the rain,
Tho' your dreams be tossed and blown. Run on, run on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never run alone,
You'll never run alone."

Runner Wedding in park

Runner Wedding in park

Wedding in park   Wedding in park

Wedding in park   Wedding in park

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